Sew You!
Pre-made and Custom Creative Sewing
And guess what?! This is going to be my "website"... for now anyway. If this venture goes somewhere, then perhaps I'll get myself a legitimate website, but until I've got too much $$$ to know what to do with, I'll probably operate from here. :D
That said, I'm going to be making a few changes here. I'll still be blogging about the things I make, but I think I'll make a new page for the things that I've made that *sigh* have no home but my already overflowing hope chest. The things found on that page will be for sale, but I don't know that I'll put a price on them here. I'd rather be contacted, and we'll work out a price via email or phone (preferably email). Obviously most of these things will be little girls' outfits. I guess I prefer to let my creativity overflow in that area. They aren't embarrassed to wear the bows, gathers, pleats, and pearls! Me, I'm a simple-loving girl myself, but I enjoy making those things that aren't always as simple as I would be comfortable wearing, especially if I know those things will be thoroughly enjoyed. :)
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