Monday, September 27, 2010

1828 Webster Dictionary

How many lovers-of-old-books do I have reading this blog? ... Not many? Hmmm... Well, I am, and since this is my blog, I'm gonna do what I want with it, even if that means blogging about something that really has nothing whatsoever to do with sewing.

Pioneer Beauty is doing another give-away! This time it's the 1828 Webster Dictionary! My family has this, but I'd absolutely LOVE to have it for my hope chest. This blog post gets me another 5 entries. :D

Thursday, September 16, 2010

$100 give-away!!!

I HAD to jump over here and post about it. (Of course, this gives me more entries, but... ;)

Check it out HERE.

What would I do with a $100 Marie-Madeline gift card? What wouldn't I do! I think I'd order a quilt... or maybe fabric... or perhaps skirts... or... or... or...

You get the idea. :)