Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tally Update

Until today, I hadn't sewn at all since Wednesday. Sorta lose motivation, you know? Well, that and the fact that Thanksgiving lasted through the weekend, the Lord's Day was full, and yesterday and Monday were busy with other things, including getting over a cold. I'm going to try really hard now to stick to my 2-a-day goal. I went a long way in accomplishing that today since I successfully, if not overly creatively, conquered 2 sweaters! Which brings us to the tally:

4 Shirts
4 Skirts

Friday, November 25, 2011

Alteration/Repair Count

I worked a good bit of the day Wednesday on that stack of stuff next to the sewing machine. I knocked out 1 shirt and 4 skirts, and I'm sorta-kinda in the middle of another shirt (although I'm pretty close to just calling that one a failure...).

Just thought I'd pop by while I had a minute and create a tally! I think the total (of successful alterations or repairs is something like this:

2 Shirts
4 Skirts

My goal is kind of a 2-a-day thing on normal days, which, obviously, wasn't yesterday, and isn't today, seeing as how we're about to leave for another day with family! Gotta go!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Show time!

I don't have a before picture, but imagine this in a men's medium size, mock-turtleneck, hugeness. Yep, I wore it anyway, but, nonetheless, it landed in my ginormous pile of things to alter. So, I decided to change it up a bit today. And, boy, change it up I did!

I actually had enough material after cutting the original shirt all to pieces to do Vogue 8536. Well, more or less anyway. I based this off of it, and I like how it turned out! :)

I've done that pattern before, but I did a different view. Last time it worked, per se, but my fabric wasn't as stretchy as it's supposed to be. This time it worked a lot better - despite the fabric still not being quite as stretchy as it's supposed to be, I think. I'm assuming it's not as stretchy anyway; I didn't check it. The neck facing/binding piece was not able to stretch as long as it needed to to cover the neck opening. That wasn't a problem though; I just gathered about two inches of the neck opening on either side of the "V." It added a nice touch, I think.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Been a while...

Heh. No excuses really, except that I've been busy with farm work and THIS project. I've got a whole stack of projects to work on now though; I just went through my closet! Whew. It's a rather discouraging pile of alterations/adjustments/changes/re-purposes/repairs. I suppose I'll get through it somehow...

I've put this off for way too long... :-/