Friday, April 12, 2013

Sewing? "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

Wow, I'd almost forgotten about this poor little blog in the midst of the craziness that has been the last 6 or so months of my life. Let me tell you, A LOT has happened. I don't even know where to start...

I noticed that I had just finished sewing a t-shirt tunic in my last post. Well, that was right before we took a family vacation to Disney World! I posted about that trip on my other blog in THESE POSTS. That was such a fun trip, and I'm so, so glad we did it!

Almost immediately upon our return home, I headed to Illinois to help a wonderful family. I didn't really have time to sew in the few days I was home. My trip to Illinois got extended a couple of times, but, after a month, I did finally make it back home. I posted about my time in Illinois in these posts on my other blog: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5.

I'll wait until you've finished those to proceed. Pay particularly close attention to part 5.


How about now? You are? Okay. Then you'll have notice that I got engaged at the end of my trip to Illinois. I swear I didn't plan it. We recently wrote out our story in this post, this post, and this post. Anyway wedding planning, life changes, and just the joys of being committed heart and soul to someone (who, unfortunately, lived 8 hours away) took over my life starting... immediately.

We both wanted a short engagement, so about 7.5 weeks later, on December 28, 2012, we were married. You can read about and see pictures of it here, here, and here.

Then we went on our amazing honeymoon (yes, there are posts about that too, but I figured by now you can use your own skills to find them.), and from there I was transplanted in Illinois. And I haven't sewn a stitch. At all.

How's that for a more legitimate reason for not posting in forever? To sorta kinda stay tuned in to my life, I suggest that you follow my other blog. If I ever get around to sewing again, I will try to remember to post it here, but I guarantee nothing. :)

1 comment:

Sisters of Grace said...

How exiting!!! And yes that is a very good excuse not to blog!
