I finally took the plunge and ordered some fleece from Fabric.com! Seemed expensive to me, but it was cheaper than Joann's, I'm sure. Anyway, I had this in mind when I ordered, and I'm pleased with how it turned out. The pattern's not the easiest to follow, and I had to take out a bunch of my seams. Of course, the mistakes were just me being brainless, but the instructions just said sew this piece to that piece - not to make sure they come out to be the different sides of the bear (make sense?... I didn't think so.). You know, that the finished product was the mirror image of the other finished product? See? ... Ummm... Like, you don't want to come out with 2 left feet, so to speak. Now you see? I hope so, 'cause I'm not sure how else to 'splain it in the short amount of time that I have.
Changes (other than the obvious color difference): I added the tan pieces in the ears and on the feet. That was pretty much it though. I didn't trim all the seams before I cut them, only the ones on the face, but I can't remember if I was even supposed to do that now... :P
Anyway, like I said, I'm please with how it came out, and extra pleased that it only took me 2 days from start to finish!!! I cut out the pattern and washed the fabric yesterday. I got as far as having the head and feet and legs done yesterday, but I did everything else today. And yes, my thumb does now have a blister from all that cutting.
Gotta go now; who knows what project will be next!
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