It worked!!! I can't believe it! My fabric was pretty difficult to work with, and it wouldn't iron out. AT. ALL! That was rather annoying, but I think it still turned out pretty good. My only area of dissatisfaction with this pattern,
New Look 6823, is the collar. It's not laying down quite right in the back. Not a big problem, but still there. I'm not even sure it's a fair accusation. I mean, I was in the middle (like, exactly half-way through!) of sewing on the collar when the incident mentioned in the previous post occurred. :P

I did make a few changes, but not big ones. I lengthened the sleeves quite a bit (good thing I did, too! They're still only 3/4-length sleeves on me!), and I took in the side seams by about... an inch on each side at the waist. Oh, I think I also added some length to the bottom, but I do that to just about everything. :)
All in all, it's definitely not a bad pattern. If I do it again, I'll probably do the wider sleeves though; these are kind of tight on me.
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