Well, howdy! I've got a sewing blog, don't I? Hmmm... The extent of the sewing I've done since we moved is just putting elastic in a skirt I bought at Goodwill. Not overly interesting, to say the least. However, this past week I've done an awful lot of crocheting (gotta do
something while listening to boring lectures!). I thought that might not fall entirely out of the realm of this blog, so here are my projects:

Ummm.. Yeah. Not really sure what this one started out as, but it ended up as something that could be used as a doll dress, or perhaps an infant dress. I guess I was mostly just trying some new stitches I've never done before. Not bad for that sort of experiment. ;)

Okay, our camera is particularly awful at getting good pictures right now (and yes, I will blame the camera. This was a perfectly good picture before I hit the button!), so sorry 'bout that. Anyway, this poncho pattern is great! Two rectangles of equal length sewn together. I can do that! I think this one, and the next one, turned out rather cute too. They're about a size... the pattern says 12-24 months. I crochet pretty tightly though, so it might be somewhat smaller than that. This one looks a little lop-sided in the picture. It's not that bad, really; the black yarn I had on hand was a little lighter weight than the red I used. :)

I've got something against completely plain, at least for projects I'm in no hurry to finish. I couldn't stand this side of the poncho, so I decided to add a little flare. I like how it turned out! If you were going to name this poncho anything you wanted to, what would it be?

Here's the other side of that one.
Oh, and by the way, HAPPY THANKSGIVING, Y'ALL!!!